
why does diamond shine???????

Why does the diamond shine - जानिए हीरा क्यों चमकता है  Diamond  एक nonmetal carbon से बना कठोर और बहुत ही costly  material  है | इसमें काफी shine होता है जिसके कारण यह देखने में भी काफी attractive  होता है लेकिन क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि diamond  में इतना ज्यादा shine क्यों होता है ? आइये हम आपको बताते हैं | असल में diamond को जितना shiny  आप देखते है यह इतना shiny खदान से निकालने पर नही होता है, इसे खदान से निकालने के बाद कामगारों द्वारा attractive बनाया जाता है, इसे attractive  बनाने के लिए इस पर policing  भी किया जाता है। इस पर पॉलिश इस तरह किया जात है कि सैकड़ों वर्षों तक इसकी shine बनी रहती है, diamond  न ही घिसता है और न इसका स्वरूप बिगड़ता है। हीरा का refractive index  2.47 का होता है, और इसका critical angle 24 डिग्री के लगभग होता है, और जब प्रकाश इसके अंदर enter करता है तो इसमें critical angle कम होने की वजह से इसमें total internal reflection  होता है जिससे हीरा काफी shine करता  है |

planet nine

PLANETS Hypothetical Planet X Artist's concept of a hypothetical planet orbiting far from the Sun. Credit: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC) Overview Caltech researchers have found mathematical evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system. This hypothetical Neptune-sized planet orbits our Sun in a highly elongated orbit far beyond Pluto. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed "Planet Nine," could have a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbit about 20 times farther from the Sun on average than Neptune. It may take between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the Sun. The announcement does not mean there is a new planet in our solar system. The existence of this distant world is only theoretical at this point and no direct observation of the object nicknamed "Planet 9" have been made. The mathematical prediction of a planet could explain the unique orbits of some smaller objects in the Kuiper Belt, a d...

Dual nature of light

The wave-particle duality of photons Tweet In “Nature of light,” we described that light has the properties of wave and a particle. On this page, we will take a second look at that concept. Is light a wave? - Young’s interference experiment - In 1807, an English physicist named Thomas Young asserted that light has the properties of a wave in an experiment called Young’s Interference Experiment. This Young’s interference experiment showed that lights (waves) passing through two slits (double-slit) add together or cancel each other and then interference fringes appear. This phenomenon cannot be explained unless light is considered as a wave. Young’s interference fringes Is light a particle? - Einstein’s light quantum hypothesis - Albert Einstein was a physicist whose life spanned the countries of Germany, Switzerland and America. In 1905 he succeeded in explaining the photoelectric effect which had been unexplainable if one only considers light as a wave. Einstei...