The wave-particle duality of photons Tweet In “Nature of light,” we described that light has the properties of wave and a particle. On this page, we will take a second look at that concept. Is light a wave? - Young’s interference experiment - In 1807, an English physicist named Thomas Young asserted that light has the properties of a wave in an experiment called Young’s Interference Experiment. This Young’s interference experiment showed that lights (waves) passing through two slits (double-slit) add together or cancel each other and then interference fringes appear. This phenomenon cannot be explained unless light is considered as a wave. Young’s interference fringes Is light a particle? - Einstein’s light quantum hypothesis - Albert Einstein was a physicist whose life spanned the countries of Germany, Switzerland and America. In 1905 he succeeded in explaining the photoelectric effect which had been unexplainable if one only considers light as a wave. Einstei
The Science of Mirages We’ve all seen that part in the movie where the weary desert wanderer has been walking for hours and is dying of thirst. Then he happens upon a vast body of water on the horizon. He runs towards the water, it grows closer and closer, until he springs himself into the air only to land back down in the sand and no water in sight. You might think the traveler was hallucinating, but mirages are a naturally-occurring optical illusion. In cartoons, a mirage is often depicted as a peaceful, lush oasis lying in the shade of swaying palm trees, but in reality it is more likely to just look like a pool of water. How do mirages form? Mirages really have nothing to do with water at all. It’s really all about how light travels through air. Normally, light waves from the sun travel straight through the atmosphere to your eye. But, light travels at different speeds through hot air and cold air. Mirages happen when the ground is very hot and the air is cool. The hot
Why does the diamond shine - जानिए हीरा क्यों चमकता है Diamond एक nonmetal carbon से बना कठोर और बहुत ही costly material है | इसमें काफी shine होता है जिसके कारण यह देखने में भी काफी attractive होता है लेकिन क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि diamond में इतना ज्यादा shine क्यों होता है ? आइये हम आपको बताते हैं | असल में diamond को जितना shiny आप देखते है यह इतना shiny खदान से निकालने पर नही होता है, इसे खदान से निकालने के बाद कामगारों द्वारा attractive बनाया जाता है, इसे attractive बनाने के लिए इस पर policing भी किया जाता है। इस पर पॉलिश इस तरह किया जात है कि सैकड़ों वर्षों तक इसकी shine बनी रहती है, diamond न ही घिसता है और न इसका स्वरूप बिगड़ता है। हीरा का refractive index 2.47 का होता है, और इसका critical angle 24 डिग्री के लगभग होता है, और जब प्रकाश इसके अंदर enter करता है तो इसमें critical angle कम होने की वजह से इसमें total internal reflection होता है जिससे हीरा काफी shine करता है |
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